MSNA Awards Exhibit Winners

Simcha Kuritzky has been crowned the winner of the Maryland State Numismatic Association exhibit competition at the Whitman Coin & Collectibles Baltimore Spring Expo 2013. The winning exhibit was “Boy for Sale?  Tokens for the Redemption of the Firstborn Son (known in Hebrew as Pidyon Haben).”


Exhibit chairman Bryce Doxzon presents second place award to Sandra Emme.

Second place was awarded to “The View from Franklin’s Window (medals and coins commemorating ballooning in 1790s France when Franklin was resident in Paris)” by Sandra Emme.

William Anderson took third place with “My Two Cents Worth (history of the U.S. two cent piece with examples from 1864-1873).”

Other competitive exhibits included:

  • Henrietta Szold—Baltimore Humanitarian “of Note”
  • Simcha Kuritzky—A Selection of Personifications On Ancient Roman Silver Coins
  • Tom Corey—South Hills Coin Club Dealer Badges
  • Tom Corey—Medals of the 1870 Franco-Prussian War
  • William Stratemeyer—Stephen Shaw George Washington
Third place award accepted by William Anderson from exhibit chairman Bryce Doxzon,

Third place award accepted by William Anderson from exhibit chairman Bryce Doxzon,

Non-competitive exhibits were:

  •  Bryce Doxzon (exhibits chairman)—A Medallic “Tribute To Her Heroic Sons”: The Pennsylvania State Memorial Medal



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